Athleta 36 Hour Marathon an Overall Success

Maraton 2024 Thank You Poster
12 September 2024

On the inaugural Athleta Basketball Marathon, we’re thrilled to announce that despite various challenges, including record-breaking September heat, the event was an overall success. We are pleased to share that a total of 🌟€6,015.00🌟 was raised for Puttinu Cares

Over 150 athletes participated, and we extend our gratitude to the guest teams from diverse communities, including the Depiro Sports Club, Hibernians Basketball Club, Luxol Basketball Club, Siggiewi Basketball Club, Team Kylin, The Malta Police Force and the Malta Wheelchair Basketball Association.

We also want to express our heartfelt thanks to our event sponsors: Malta Basketball Association, Bistro 77, Genaudio Ltd, Go&Fun Green Energy Drink, Insta Store, Pisani Motoring School., Reflex Fitness, Ta’ Fonzu Bottle Shop, The Court Kiosk, and Vibe FM. Special thanks go to Emergency Fire & Rescue Unit for their steadfast support throughout the 36-hour event, as well as to the SKULL BIKERS MALTA SMC and the Malta Mini Owners Club.

We must also acknowledge the incredible efforts of the organizing committee, the volunteers, and the parents of our younger athleteswithout whom this event would not have been possible.

We take pride in the fact that our collective efforts not only celebrated the sport we love but also demonstrated our commitment to social responsibility by supporting an organization that helps those in need. This success fills us with confidence as we look forward to organizing an even better marathon next year.