About Athleta

We Are Athleta!

Athleta Basketball Malta -Ladies and Men teams and nursery for kids

We are Athleta Basketball Club, a premier basketball organization based in the picturesque Maltese islands. Established with a passion for the game and a commitment to fostering talent, Athleta Basketball Club has become a beacon for basketball enthusiasts across Malta.

Our Mission

At Athleta Basketball Club, our mission is clear: to promote the growth and development of basketball in Malta by providing a supportive and nurturing environment for players of all ages and skill levels. We aim to instil a love for the game while nurturing individual talents and fostering teamwork, discipline, and sportsmanship.

Our History

Athleta Basketball Club  was set up as Athleta Juvenis Sports Centre in 1962 and was housed at Il-Piazzetta,  Ghar-id-Dud , Sliema thanks to the kind hearted Mr. Joe Gasan Senior who rented out these premises for free to the Club.

Athleta Basketball Club was a pioneer of the game in Malta having played friendly matches in 1962 and two years later, in 1964, was instrumental in the setting up of the Malta Basketball Association.

Ten years after being set up in Ghar-id-Dud the Club moved to more spacious facilities in Cathedral  Street,  Sliema formerly housing the St. Anthony Catholic Action and today a Civic Centre.   It was during this second ten year period that the Club established itself as one of the biggest sports clubs in Malta.   Unfortunately, after investing heavily to renovate the premises and to convert the outside space  into an outdoor five-a-side football and basketball court the property could no longer be used by  Athleta Basketball  Club.  The Club ended up without a premises and operated from  a room in Swieqi.

However, in 1990, the government provided the Club with its own premises in Pembroke, a former English army chapel.  The hard working committee invested a lot of time, effort and money to transform  the dilapidated building into a modern clubhouse with various amenities.  At this stage the Club appropriately changed its name to Pembroke Athleta Sports Club.

The Club continued to operate from Pembroke but when the then President of Sliema Wanderers FC Mr. Robert Arrigo decided to sponsor the Basketball team way back during season 1996-97  the committee of Pembroke Athleta Football Club were not happy with this development and the basketball section was moved out.   Notwithstanding this set-back, it turned out to be the start of the most successful period for the basketball squad who went on to become the top basketball club on the Island, capturing one honour after another.

The Senior Men’s team roll of honour now includes eleven First Division Championships, twelve times Knock-Out winners, eight Louis Borg Cups, ten Shields, thirteen Super Cups and six Pre-Season Tournaments for a total of 60 honours, which is ten more than the closest contenders.   Athleta was also the first club to win the Gozo Cup during Season 2011/12.  The Women’s section also established itself as one of the major teams and won various honours including two national league first division titles, two Knock-out trophies, one Super Cup, one Shield and one Louis Borg Cup.

The committee currently responsible to run Athleta Basketball Club are still hopeful that one day the Club will have its own premises and also an indoor court to meet the demand of the numerous training sessions for their registered players across the many different age categories.   At present the Club has 14 teams, namely the Men’s Seniors, Men Under 23, Boys Under 19, Boys Under 16, Boys Under 14, Boys Under 12, Boys Under 10, Women Under 23, Women Under 19, Girls Under 16, Girls Under 14, Girls Under 12, Girls Under 10 and Mixed Under 8.

Our Programs

Athleta Basketball Club offers a comprehensive range of programs designed to cater to players of all ages and abilities. From grassroots initiatives aimed at introducing children to the fundamentals of the game to elite-level training for aspiring professionals, we provide opportunities for growth and development at every stage of the basketball journey. Our experienced coaches and staff are committed to providing top-notch instruction, guidance, and support to help each player reach their full potential.

Community Engagement

At Athleta Basketball Club, we believe in the power of basketball to bring people together and make a positive impact in our community. We actively engage with local schools, community organizations, and other stakeholders to promote the values of teamwork, inclusivity, and respect both on and off the court. Through outreach programs, clinics, and events, we strive to enrich the lives of individuals and contribute to the overall well-being of our community.

Join Us

Whether you’re a seasoned player looking to take your game to the next level or a newcomer eager to learn and grow, there’s a place for you at Athleta Basketball Club. Join our vibrant community of players, coaches, and supporters and embark on an exciting journey filled with passion, camaraderie, and endless opportunities for success. Come be a part of something special at Athleta Basketball Club, where dreams take flight and champions are made


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